
Jocelyn and Colin's Blog

December 31, 2009

This is What Men Do We hung out at the Chen's for New Year's Eve. Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

December 24, 2009

Nice things about Southern Cal - outdoor swimming in the winter (it was a little cold though) and beautiful sunset... Swimming in the Cold Enjoying the Sunset

December 23, 2009

Going on a Safari Together in a Boat Jocelyn Approves these Fries Fast Ride These were highlights from Day 2 of Legoland. After a long day, this is how the kids decided to unwind... Relaxing

December 21, 2009

Thomas the Train at LegoLand Can I Just Stay Here? Finding Thomas the Train at Legoland is probably the highlight for Colin. How time flies...It seemed not very long ago that Jocelyn went to Legoland for the first time and riding the train with Mommy. Now she actually can take Colin on the ride. Jocelyn's First Time Taking Colin on the Ride
Very soon, Colin will go from driving a stationary car to a big kid car - just like Jocelyn.
Colin Driving Jocelyn Driving Big Kid Car Colin Driving a Boat

December 20, 2009

Lunch Break Colin Holding a Chicken McNugget We are on our way down to Carlsbad to spend Christmas vacation there. Stopping for lunch at McDonalds. Always get a kick out of how Colin holds his food... Enjoying Some Warm Water

December 19, 2009

Madeline With Friends Went to watch a show called Madeline. Afterwards, went to eat pho. Colin and Amanda enjoyed the candy cane much more than the pho. Enjoying Candy Cane Cute Expressions

December 7, 2009

My first ever book report - we had to share about a book with our own words without reading the book and also present some visual aids. I decided to share about a book called "The Legend of the Candy Cane". After my sharing, I passed out a candy cane to everyone. Here's what my teacher thought about my sharing... First Grade Book Report

December 6, 2009

Singing in Children Choir First time singing in a Children Choir - we had to memorize lyrics to 4 songs! Colin and Amanda approves... 2 Cuties

November 15, 2009

Pilgrims and Thanksgiving Our annual Thanksgiving feast - a little early this year as everyone will be out of town except for us.The Original Chows

November 7, 2009

Happy Birthday, Natalie! First Time Bowler Natalie had her birthday party at a bowling alley. My first time to bowl...At night, we had dinner at Sushi Boat. My Own Dinner Bento Boat Cousins Hug

November 2, 2009

De Anza Park Colin went to a field trip at De Anza Park. Besides playing in the playground, the main theme was about collecting leaves. Collecting Leaves Very Enjoyable Raising Hands Together Leaves Project A Little Shy

October 26, 2009

Colin Leading the Way Jocelyn and Penguins Colin Likes Dinosaur Happy Posing Playful and Dramatical I had no school today because of Teachers' In-Service Day. So we decided to go up and visit the new California Academy of Sciences. It Was a Great Visit Souvenirs

October 22, 2009

Happy Birthday, Mommy! Family Pic Happy birthday, Mommy! Close-Up

October 21, 2009

Gung Gung was able to come to my soccer practice! Colin looks like he'll be a very skillful soccer player. Gung Gung at My Soccer Practice Powerful Kick Colin Has Dribbling Skills

October 19, 2009

Gung Gung is here for a visit. Gung Gung

October 6, 2009

I like ice-cream... Digging In Big Bite Yummy

September 16, 2009

One of our favorite things to do as a family - playing Hide-n-Seek in the house... Coin Counting

September 12, 2009

Soccer Season Starts Fall soccer season started. I'm in the U8 group this year and I think I'm the youngest one on my team. I got to be the captain today so I participated in the coin toss - even though I really did not know what was going on...Coin Toss

September 11, 2009

Chinese School Friday night Chinese School has started again. This year is going to be much more challenging (for me and Mommy) than last year. During the first night, they allowed parents to sit in. Colin was able to check it out too.Colin in Chinese School

September 8, 2009

Studious I'm in first grade now - that means homework Monday thru Thursday...It's fun!

September 5, 2009

Colin - First Time Boating Little Sailor Boy Jocelyn Ready To Go Pedaling Away Enjoying the Ride Labor Day weekend - we went to Lake Vasona Park for a nice relaxing afternoon of pedal boat and riding the train. We all had a blast. It was the first time Colin did boating. With Mommy Daddy's Pretty Girl Dreamy Boy Lake Vasona Park

August 22, 2009

Cleaning Station Went to Build-A-Bear with Natalie... Showing Off their Stuff

August 20, 2009

Starting First Grade Very excited about starting first grade today! Looking forward to new friends, buying hot lunches, library books, playground.... Outside My Classroom

August 16, 2009

Big Serve Finetuning Form This summer, every Sunday, I've been having tennis lessons and today is the last day. We all got trophies... Colin Wants to Play Too With TA With Funny Coach Trophy and Certificate

August 5, 2009

My front tooth has been wriggly for awhile and tonight, it finally came out. I was very excited. Tooth Came Out So Excited

August 1, 2009

The Girls With Josh Colin Likes the Water Swimming We and 2 other families went to Lake Nacimiento for the weekend. Every time Josh and I hang out, we always have a good time. We are in our own world... Just Josh and Me In Our Own World Josh - Good Sense of Humor Making Each Other Laugh

July 24, 2009

A Little Shy My 6 year old checkup today - 49 lbs (72nd percentile), BMI of 17 (84th percentile) and 45 inches (46th percentile). My weight and BMI have improved since my last visit. Yay!

July 21, 2009

Riding Train at Discovery Kingdom Bugs Bunny Fans Daddy took a day off from work to celebrate my birthday today. We went to Discovery Kingdom in Vallejo. Lunch Break Checking Out the Giraffes First Time Eating Dippin' Dots Helicopter Ride Little Guy Enjoying Ride On the Way Out For dinner, we went to Noriega Cafe in the Sunset district of San Francisco. It was a long day but we enjoyed every minute of it. Drinking Glass of Milk By Myself

July 18, 2009

At KidzArt My Treasure Box We celebrated my 6th birthday by having a party at KidzArt. Group Picture With Favorite Brother Colin Blowing Candles Together Family Pic Allison Rachel and Ashley After the party, our family and Natalie's went to Chevy's for dinner. Chevy's Celebration

July 10, 2009

Poor Colin - has a case of pink eyes. Pink-Eyed Boy

July 4, 2009

We got a new train table... New Train Table Playing Together

June 28, 2009

Happy Birthday, Yeh Yeh! Colin Gives Him so Much Joy We went out to dinner to celebrate Yeh Yeh's (Grandpa) birthday which is in a couple of days.Grandparents and Grandkids 3 Generations Jocelyn Growing Up

June 24, 2009

Attending Vacation Bible School with Natalie this week... VBS

June 18, 2009

First time trying out a Big Mac... Big Mac Big Bite

June 17, 2009

Wacky Hairstyling Wacky Dress Up Attending a one week soccer camp this week and today is Wacky Wednesday. Ready to Steal the Ball Aggressive Defense

June 14, 2009

Enjoying Chocolate Croissant Cute Little Girl Meat Lover Early Father's Day celebration...Sunday brunch in Los Gatos... 2 Cute Kids Happy Kids

June 12, 2009

Last Day of School Farewell, Ivie! Can't believe the school year is over already. Today is the last day of school. Sadly, my very good friend Ivie will be going to a different school in the fall. Happily, I've gone through kindergarten with flying colors. My Teacher - Miss Curry

June 6, 2009

Soap Salesperson Astronaut Meat Lover We went to the Sunnyvale Art and Wine Festival today. After dinner, we walked to Jocelyn's school to get some exercise. Colin loves soccer and basketball. In fact, anything that has to do with ball... When Can I Dunk? Jock

May 30, 2009

Birthday Party Happy Birthday, Colin! Blow Candle We had a joint birthday party for Colin and Austin. Happy Birthday! With Rachel

May 29, 2009

Chinese School Graduation Last day of Chinese School. There was a graduation ceremony. Besides getting my graduation certificate, I also got an award. It's called the Best Conduct Award - the teacher said I always lended things to other people when they had forgotten theirs and for making sure every other student is doing OK. I was just being myself.... :) Receiving the Best Conduct Award Showing Off my Award at Home

May 26, 2009

Colin's 2 year old checkup today - 30lb. 14 oz (82nd percentile) and 35.75 inches tall (84th percentile). Afterwards, we went to Children's Discovery Museum to check out the new Curious George display. Nice to Meet You, George! Roaming Around Pretty Jocelyn Competitive Jocelyn Jocelyn's New Friend

May 25, 2009

Enjoying a Shrimp Tempura Udon Free Ice-Cream Colin is 2 years old today. We celebrated by going to TGI Sushi.
Lesson learned: Always mention it's someone's birthday and you'll get something for free. This time...we got free ice-cream. We then came home and had ice-cream cake from Coldstone.
Happy Birthday, Colin! Jocelyn's Slice Colin Eating Cake

May 16, 2009

Acceptance Letter At Young Authors' Faire My book was one of the ones chosen to represent my school at this year's Young Authors' Faire. It came as a pleasant surprise. We didn't know what to expect since this is the first time. Overall, it was a good experience to be able to share my book with others. Presenting my Book

May 10, 2009

Mother's Day Dinner Happy Mother's Day! The 2 daddies were in charge of cooking dinner tonight. Happy Mother's Day!

April 18, 2009

Camano Island State Park BBQ At the Beach All the Kids BBQ lunch at Camano Island State Park...Cheap/decent sushi at Sushi-Land...Ice-cream birthday cake for dessert... Joy for Sushi More Please! Birthday Wishes

April 15, 2009

Favorite Animal Tulips Field Daffodils Field Can Get Lost Amidst All the Flowers Happy Boy Another reason for coming up to the Northwest was to go to the Tulips Festival in Skagit since tulips are Mommy's favorite flowers. The tulips fields weren't actually in full bloom yet. So that means we'll have to re-visit another year to experience all the tulips in full bloom. Pretty Cute Jocelyn Posing

April 14, 2009

At the Airport We are about to fly to Seattle to spend the rest of the week to play with my cousins.

April 11, 2009

Devouring Cupcake Cupcake Mustache Celebrating Rachel's birthday at Pump-It-Up. Sitting on the Throne Loving Cousins

April 5, 2009

It was a short trip but before going back home, I got to go to Goofy's Kitchen restaurant for brunch with Rachel and family. Lots of food and pictures with Disney characters....Mommy, Daddy, and Colin did not go because Colin would cry every time he sees one of the characters. Goofy's Kitchen Even had a Princess There Chipmunks

April 3, 2009

We're at Disneyland! Riding the Tram Meeting Mickey Mouse We got to go to Disneyland with Rachel and family. This is the first time Colin goes to Disneyland. Perhaps a little overwhelmed with everything.... Goofy Guy 1st Time at Disneyland

March 19, 2009

Science Night at my school. This is my good school friend Ivie... Science Night Fun with Ivie

March 7, 2009

Last fall, we decided to take off the training wheels on Jocelyn's bike thinking that she was ready for 2 wheels. She struggled alot and ended up not biking throughout the whole winter. For the past week or so, she suddenly got interested in learning to bike. She was a little scared at first but after awhile, she was determined to teach herself how to bike. Today, she has succeeded! We are all very happy for Jocelyn... Hurray for Jocelyn!

February 16, 2009

Like a Movie Star 2 Movie Stars Went up to Tahoe and played in the snow. First time Daddy had to put on chains....First time Colin saw snow but he didn't care much for it...First time Jocelyn went sledding and she loved it. Colin Did Not Enjoy the Snow Much Loved the Snow Colin Not Very Thrilled about Snow We Stayed Out the Most Snowing Pretty Hard Sledding All the Big Kids Had Fun with Rachel Family Pic

January 30, 2009

Chinese New Year Celebration At chinese school, we have our CNY celebration tonight. Guess who's this in the back? Mystery Person in the Back
It's me, Jocelyn! The Finale It's me Jocelyn, of course! Enjoy the video...

January 25, 2009

Happy Chinese New Year! Grandpa + Grandkids Grandpa + 3 Girls

January 16, 2009

Playing at the Park Our Australian friends are visiting us this weekend (Uncle Desmond, Auntie Margaret, Daniel and Sarah). Dinner at Cupertino Tofu House

January 1, 2009

Dolphin Show Aqua Stadium Our last stop before heading to the airport - Aqua Stadium: a small aquarium with dolphin and sea lion shows. At the airport, I wanted to take a picture with a JAL employee. :) With JAL Employee

Look at our Hong Kong album from 2004 and our most recent Hong Kong/Tokyo album. Couple of things that are obvious:
- Mommy and Daddy have aged.
- Jocelyn - 4 Years Ago Jocelyn was half the size of the Snoopy then compared to now - doubled the size of Snoopy. Jocelyn Now
- Colin Now Colin is around the same stage as Jocelyn was back in 2004.

I'm sure the next 4 years will continue to bring us new and interesting experiences and take us to exciting new places.

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